Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dubuque,IA trivia

I found this in a box of my aunt and uncles old postcards. Cant recall
the date from it, but thought it was pretty cool. Anyone want to take
a stab at what building/place this is in Dubuque? I'll post the answer


Ann said...

Old Clarke, or Loras

Heather said...

try again... :)

Drew Kluesner said...

Here are some answers posted in the Buzz of this item.

Carl Bormet - Well, Google Goggles didn't help me. I'll have to make a guess. I say it is a replica of the house you grew up in.Mar 2

Ben Topolski - I was going to say St. Andrews, but that's in Scotland...7:06

Luke David - The Viz on the corner Alta Vista and University.8:45

Michelle Arnold - I thought it looked like a Loras building. It looks more like Keane Hall to me though.5:58

Drew Kluesner - I originally thought it was Clarke (Pre-Fire). but that was incorrect to. I'm still waiting for Heather to post the real answer. (but my mother should know where it is.)

Ann said...


Michelle said...

St. Joe's - Mercy Hospital?!?!

Heather said...

yep! It's Mercy Hospital in Dubuque from MANY years ago! I thought maybe Karen and Tony would have had an insider guess on this one. ;) I guess it was a little too far back in history for them :) since current Mercy looks nothing like this!